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How to Care for Tropical Birds During Winter

I've run into a lot of issues keeping my pet toucan, Chester, comfortable in the winter. Bird care in general is high maintenance, but keeping a warm tropical climate bird in a human space is particularly challenging during the winter months! We live in a high rise apartment where there's a chilly draft and the air can get pretty dry. Below are some of the ways I've made Chester more comfortable so our home feels like a tropical environment.

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Provide "Natural" Water Sources

Chester--like all birds--loves to take baths. I noticed that he particularly enjoys trickling water rather than a still bowl when he has the opportunity. One of the first (and best) purchases I made for winter was a cat water fountain that makes a lovely trickling noise and continuously recycles water into the bowl. Chester loves taking baths in it! Make sure to clean it regularly, though, because the water is recycling and the filter can get dirty. I clean mine with white vinegar.

Keep the Humidity High

Humidity is important for keeping beaks and skin from drying out, flaking or being itchy for your birds. If the heat/AC is drying out your home, I highly recommend a humidifier. I experimented with a variety of humidifiers and by far, the Levoit brand humidifier with a

heat/cool dual setting has been the best bang for your buck. I live in a 966 square foot apartment and the humidifier definitely keeps our giant living room at a reasonable level of humidity. Keep in mind, the warm mist can be dangerous for your bird, and you will need to clean the humidifier regularly to avoid any mold buildup that could be hazardous airborne.

Rub Coconut Oil on Their Beak and Feet

I try to rub coconut oil on Chester's beak and on his feet every single day to avoid beak flaking and any itchy spots. He definitely has a love/hate relationship with it, and I recommend using a very small amount so it rubs in rather than coating their beaks in an uncomfortable way. Make sure not to get any brands that add fragrances to it!!

Mist Them Daily

Tropical birds are used to rainforest environments with high humidity and often a "stickiness" in the air. Misting your birds lightly is helpful for the preening process and to ensure their skin doesn't dry out. Make sure not to let them get chilly, and listen to their body language if they are signaling that they don't want the mist. This is a continuous mister I love because the spray bottle does half the work (it's also great for misting plants or your hair--very versatile).

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